Basic Public Safety Telecommunicator Training - PST #165

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Training Dates
10/21/2024 - 11/08/2024
(Applicant) I certify that I am a citizen of the United States of America or a legal resident. Official documentation of my citizenship or legal residency has been presented to the witness, who is the Department head or designee.

(Department Head/Designee) I certify that I have reviewed official documentation indicating the above applicant is a citizen of the United States of America or legal resident.
(Applicant) Have you ever been arrested? (Include juvenile offenses)
(Applicant) Have you ever been convicted of any crime? (Include juvenile offenses)
(Applicant) Have you ever been the subject of an administrative investigation for law enforcement officer or telecommunicator misconduct, or received any administrative discipline as a law enforcement officer or public safety telecommunicator?
(Applicant) Have you every been pardoned, entered into a pre-prosecution diversion program, or received a suspended or deferred sentence for any crime? (Include juvenile offenses)
(Applicant) Having made application with New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy, it is my understanding that a comprehensive investigation of my background may be conducted in connection with this application.

I do hereby give the officials of the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy the authority to conduct such an investigation and do hereby authorize the release of any and all information requested by the Academy pertaining to my work history, any arrest information, and other
general qualifications for duty fitness.
(Applicant) I, hereby waive any claim for any injury against the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy, any member of the staff, any of its employees or any trainee, which I may either directly or indirectly sustain as a result of my participation in any part or phase of the training and instruction I will receive at the Academy or other locations selected for the giving of training or supervision.

This agreement shall be binding upon the applicant, their heirs, and assignees.
Completed and submitted Agency Employment Action WebForm.
Completed LEA-3A Public Safety Telecommunicator Audiology Compliance Form.
(Applicant) Have you ever served in the armed forces of the United States?
(Department Head/Designee) I certify that the above applicant is currently employed as a Telecommunicator with my agency, and is responsible for emergency telecommunicator duties.
(Department Head/Designee) Pursuant to or NMAC, I certify that fingerprint cards for the above applicant have been submitted to New Mexico Applicant Processing Services either electronically or by mail, for both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New Mexico Department of Public Safety records check.  

It was determined that the applicant has NOT been convicted of or pled guilty to, or entered a plea of nolo contendere to any felony charge; or within the three-year period immediately preceding their application, to any violation of any federal or state law or local ordinance relating to: Aggravated assault, theft; Driving while intoxicated; Controlled substances; Other crime involving moral turpitude, and has not been released or discharged under dishonorable conditions from any of the armed forces of the United States.

Records are valid for one year from the date of initial clearance.
(Department Head/Designee) I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the applicant for which I am submitting this registration request, is free of any mental, physical, or emotional condition which might adversely affect their performance as a telecommunicator.
FEMA ICS 100.b, 200.b, 700.a, & 800.b Course Completion Certificates
Registration Dates
06/23/2024 - 09/21/2024
Available Seats
130h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy
4491 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, NM  87507
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

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